Ushakant Patel, age – 59 years (R: 9825506521)
Diagnosis : Post- angioplasty rehab. Program :
Ushakant Patel, 58 years, with diabetes, obesity and hypertension, enrolled in cardio uno program after his heart attack and angioplasty of Cx artery in 2003. He had residual, untreated blockages in other one coronary artery. He was experiencing severe mental anxiety-depression, weakness and was unable to attend his usual business responsibilities in-spite of proper medications after angioplasty. After two months of diet- exercise- yoga program he had excellent recovery.He became very fit and his anxiety was gone, he lost 8 kg weight over six months, his diabetes and blood pressure came under superb control and his peak TMT performance went up to 15 METS. His overall CAD risk score decreased by 50 % and his medications were reduced by 70%. He could also start playing his usual doubles badminton game daily. Mr. Ushakant also went for two hiking trips in the Himalayas and in a forest at Ratanmal sanctuary in subsequent year. He has been ever since working fulltime in business and has been living life with fulfillment and vigor.
Even after five years Mr. Usakant Patel is having no angina and is maintaining regular exercise and yoga regimen in his daily life.
Ashwinbhai Rana
59 years, A case of recurrent angina even after one bypass and seven stents.
Ahwinbhai Rana, 59 years, from Daman, underwent bypass surgery in USA in 2005. He underwent multiple balloon angioplasties for recurrent angina problems over next two years. In-spite of these repeated procedures he developed angina interfering in his daily routine life. He was extremely nervous and defeated when he joined cardio uno program at the advice of his physician Dr. Uday Desai of Valsad city. Proper dose adjustment of his medicines, in-depth explanation of facts about the control of the risk factors and intensive yoga- stress management by individual and group counseling - moderate level ECG monitored exercise program of just 20 days significantly reduced his angina and anxiety. Even now his angina is well under control and he is able to walk 30-40 min daily at moderate pace without angina.
Harendra Shukla
68 years, multi vessel CAD, not willing for surgery, managed well with medical management:
Harendrabhai Shukla, 68 years, having significant angina even at low level activities was rightly advised bypass surgery for his three vessel heart disease ( 77%, 80%, and 90%). Even after repeated and emphatic explanation regarding the need and the benefits of bypass, he was not willing for surgery and joined cardio uno program in May, 2006, to reduce his risk factors and angina. He could walk only for 5-10 min. at 1.5 kmph speed initially.
With intensive medications and low level ECG monitored exercise program over three months slowly but steadily improved his angina and the risk factors profile. He lost 7 kg weight aver 3 months, his arthritic knee pain was reduced by 50%, his blood pressure and diabetes improved significantly, and he could walk for 30 min at 3.5 kmph and 3* incline with tolerable angina occasionally. Though his treadmill test is still strongly positive for ischemia and bypass surgery still is a better choice for him, he is able to manage low level activities and a satisfied life style on medical management.
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